Your Dedicated Painting Team
Elk Horn Painting delivers painting service that goes above and beyond. We’re inspired daily by the families and local businesses that make up our community, and we’re honored to serve you!
Here’s What We Do:
Discover Your Home’s Potential!
Free Estimate
After requesting a quote from Elk Horn Painting, our Office Manager schedules an in-home estimate around your schedule. Precise measurements are taken, and our estimating software accurately calculates the cost of labor and materials on-site, meaning you’ll receive your estimate the same day!
Color Selection & Schedule
With an approved estimate, you’ll move into the color selection process. We can source or match colors from any manufacturer. The Sherwin-Williams Color Tool is also a great resource to help you narrow down your choice. Once you have selected your color, our Office Manager works with you to select the best dates for painting your home based on your schedule.
Prep & Paint
Preparation is key to beautiful, long-lasting results, and our professional crews at Elk Horn Painting are rigorous during the prep stage of painting. Your home’s exterior is power washed to remove dirt, debris and any residue. Joints are re-caulked as needed; sunken nails, chips, or holes are filled and sanded. When painting begins, each layer is applied to follow the manufacturer’s best practices, which prevents premature peeling, cracking, and signs of age.
Final Walk-Through
Your Project Manager accompanies you on a final quality check to ensure our highest quality standards are met — and that your expectations are exceeded!